How to Start Running (Phase 3)

The New Year is here and it is time to get our exercise on.  If you have always wanted to run but were apprehensive about it, well, here is a program that is challenging but not that hard on your joints.  This is the third phase of the program.  You can start here or on phase 1 or 2. Start where you feel comfortable and are able to complete the program.  

Week 9     Walk 10 minutes   run 1 minute/walk 30 seconds (12 times)  walk 3 mins  Cool-down walk 2 minutes

Week 10   Walk 10 minutes  run 1 minute 15 secs/walk 30 secs. (8 times) walk 3 mins
   Cool-down walk 2 minutes

Week 11   Walk 10 minutes  run 1 minute 15 secs/walk 30 secs. (10 times) walk 3 mins  
Cool-down walk 2 minutes

Week 12   Walk 10 minutes   run 1 minute 30 secs/walk 30 secs. (8 times) walk 3 mins   
Cool-down walk 2 minutes

Week 1 - Week 30
Download The Entire Program For $8.95


Remember to end your workout with a 2-minute cool-down and always stretch after running. See the stretches below:


  1. I'm almost finished with phase 2 of the running program and I can't wait to finish phase 3

  2. I like this program much better than the C25K.

    1. Thanks Dijah, sometimes the other programs are quicker but not a doable.

  3. I have a friend who was looking for a workout to do on her treadmill after she haves her baby in a few months. I think this would be a good workout to do after she is cleared with her doctor. I will pass this link onto her.

    1. Thanks, one of my client's sister-in-law is starting with phase one next week. She had her baby in November.


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