Best At Home Barre Workout

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Best Barre Workout Videos

If you are stuck at home and you cannot get to your favorite barre class, I have found the best at-home barre workouts, you will love. As a barre instructor, I sometimes check out different videos to steal moves and make them work for my barre pupils. I have quite a few I think you will like.

Barre workout for beginners

Pure Barre has a foundation tutorial to get you ready for a barre class. I would go through their moves master them and then I would take a full barre class.

After going through the Pure Barre foundations workshop, you are ready to take a class. I would recommend the Barre Centric beginner video. It is a 60-minute exercise program.

This next video is a runner up, nice easy moves, but you need to have great balance because you are not using a barre or chair.

Advanced beginner and Intermediate Barre Workouts

This video is a step up for an advanced beginner. I love this video and the instructor is awesome. The total exercise time is about 45 minutes.

Now let's go back to the Pure Barre format. I like this video and it is a typical class you will get at any Pure Barre studio. This a great class after mastering the beginner videos.

Advanced Barre and Ballet Workouts

If you are a dancer or you have mastered all of the videos above, you might want to give the next three videos a try.

A workout that is designed for a dancer, but also for the fitness barre enthusiast who has been taking fitness barre classes for a while. The next video is not a full-body exercise plan. It is more of a ballet lower-body dancer workout program.

This next video is a combination of ballet and fitness like a typical fitness barre class but with more ballet dancer moves. It is not for a novice. 

This last video is for a dancer. It's a true ballet routine and less of a fitness barre workout. However, the New York City Ballet video does offer a great exercise program to master for non-dancers. If you are a former dancer, this video could jump-start you into getting back into dancing form. 

These are my picks for the best at-home barre workout. If you have a video you like and think I should add, comment below and I might add it to the list.


  1. Looking at some of these videos reminds me of when I took Tap and Ballet. I'd like to utilize these videos and see how flexible, and athletic, my body is years later. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Definitely going to try this out! Thanks for sharing!

  3. A great workout that I will try out.


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