The Planet Fitness Circuit At Home

One of my favorite workouts is the Planet Fitness 30 minute circuit program. At most of the Planet Fitness clubs, they have an area of strength machine and step benches where the circuit takes place. 

You have to follow the traffic signal light to tell you when to begin and when to stop. The green light lasts for one minute and the red is 30 seconds. On the green, you are supposed to do your workout and the red is for transitioning to the strength machine or the bench for the cardio portion of the routine.

One day, I invited a client to test it out and she loved it and she wanted me to help her with doing the same routine at her home. If you have a home gym or just dumbbells, I can help you do that.


  • A home gym like the picture above or dumbbells and a bench or step bench
  • Step bench or your stairs at home
  • Stopwatch

30 Minute Workout Program

The program is 1-minute work and 30 seconds rest for you to transition to the next exercise. After a three to five minute warm-up, you can start the program.
Chest press with dumbbells or chest press machine -one minute and then 30 seconds rest

Step up and down on the step bench or stairs (right foot)-one minute and then 30 seconds rest

Lat Pulldown with tubes or without or row with dumbbells - one minute and then 30 seconds rest

Step up and down on the step bench or stairs (left foot)-one minute and then 30 seconds rest

Leg extension or lunges with dumbbells - one minute and then 30 seconds rest

Step up and down on the step bench or stairs (alternating knee ups)-one minute and then 30 seconds rest

Leg curl or deadlifts with dumbbells - one minute and then 30 seconds rest

Step up and down on the step bench or stairs (punch and lunge)-one minute & 30 seconds rest

Back rows if you have the component on your gym or back flyes with dumbbells - one minute

Repeaters on the step or stairs, bring your knee up 3 times and then switch to the opposite leg

Shoulder press with your home gym or dumbbells - one minute and then 30 seconds rest

Step up and down on the step bench or stairs (hamstrings)-one minute and then 30 seconds rest

Bicep curls with the fitness gym or dumbbells-one minute and then 30 seconds rest

If you have stairs go up and down or do #10 

Triceps push-downs with resistance tube with your fitness gym or overhead triceps extension with a dumbbell - one minute

Repeat step #6

If you have a leg press component on your gym do leg press, if not, do squats - one minute

Repeat step #10

Any abdominal exercise you would like to do - one minute

Repeat #8

Stretch and you are finished. You can use resistance bands for all the exercises, just search on YouTube with the name of the exercise using resistance bands or tubes.  If you have any questions, leave a comment below and enjoy the quick and efficient workout plan.


  1. Thank you! Can't wait to give it a whirl!

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  3. Wow. I believe that this fitness circuit will be much helpful for us to maintain our fitness without joining a gym.

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  6. Was trying to figure out how to replicate my beloved 30 min PF express circuit during the coronavirus pandemic and just discovered this - thank you! Can't wait to get back into it!


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