The Best Stationary Bike Workout

Don’t Let Your Stationary Bike Become A Clothes Hanger!!

Is this you? You have a bike you bought and you might have used it once or maybe two times. I have had clients in the past who had bikes that weren't getting any use. They were clothes hangers. If this describes you, I have developed this workout just for you.

It is a total body exercise that incorporates strength and cardiovascular training.  All you need are some dumbbells and you are ready to go. You should do this circuit program three days a week and not back to back, give your body a rest between workouts. Below are videos of the exercises if you don't know what they are and I'm also providing some tips about the workout.

  • RPM(revolutions per minute) this can be found on your bike monitor
  • You should break 1 minute between circuits but it can be longer if you need more recovery time
  • Stretch your upper body and lower body at the end of the workout
  • If you don't have a bench, you can do the chest press on the floor
Need something a little harder? Try the stationary bike workout next level up.




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