Jump Into Fitness - Intermediate Level


As promised, here is the intermediate level of the jump into fitness program. It is the same as the beginner level but the intervals are longer. The advanced jump rope program will feature fancy footwork when jumping and I will have a video to accompany the post. We are going jump rope like we did when we were 10 years old. It was a form of cheap entertainment and it was good for us.

Before You Start Jumping

Before you begin, you want to make sure you are not jumping on cement. You should jump on a hardwood floor or if you are on cement, jump on a yoga mat or thin carpet. Warm-up for 3 to 4 minutes before beginning, like walking in place. If you have problems with your lower extremities, ask your doctor about doing this program. Here is the link for the beginner jump rope routine and subscribe for more easy workouts from home.

Intermediate jump rope program

Jump rope for 1 minute 15 seconds
Walk-in place 45 seconds
Jump rope for 1 minute 15 seconds
Opposite elbow to knee  45 seconds
Jump rope for 1 minute 15 seconds
Hamstring kicks (heel to butt) for 45 seconds
Jump rope for 1 minute 15 seconds
Step touch(step side to side) for 45 seconds
Jump rope for 1 minute 15 seconds
March forward 4 steps & back 4 steps  45 seconds

Repeat 2 or 3 times
3 minutes (walk-in place, step touch)

Calf stretch

Quadriceps stretch

Hamstring stretch


  1. Love this post! I would love to add jump roping to my fitness regimen!!

  2. I'm so at the beginner's level! You don't think it is since little kids do it all the time, but jumping rope can be intense!

  3. Thanks Lolli and femmefrugality for stopping by. I'm actually doing the intermediate program tonight.

  4. My mother should be able to do the beginner level...I'm going to Walmart today to purchase a cheap jump rope for her so she won't have an excuse not to at least try it.Thanks for posting!

  5. Hello, I just wanted to say thanks for providing the informative post. I feel like there are a number of issues that are facing the youth of this nation. Proper nutrition and a lack of daily physical activity are all factoring into the growing number of children struggling that are struggling with their weight. I agree that building healthier habits should start at an earlier age, and this is a program that could really provide that.

  6. I love jump rope. It is hands down my favorite form of cardio.


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